Specialist Resource Provison (SRP)
The classrooms
Our SRP caters for children with moderate learning difficulties and other associated needs from across the boroughs of Richmond and Kingston. This specialist resource provision takes up to eighteen children with an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP), between the ages of four and eleven referred to us by the Special Educational Needs Panel of the local education authority.
The SRP has two classroom bases, Walker classroom (KS1) based downstairs and Newton Classroom (KS2) based upstairs. Walker classroom also has a separate small calm/group room and outside area and access to its own toilet facility. Walker class tends to follow an early years based curriculum and provides the children with a period of intensive teaching targeted at their individual needs. Newton classroom also has access to its own calm room space and the children have access to broad and balanced curriculum as well as learning that focuses on individual targets and outcomes. All the children have an EHCP with speech and language and occupational therapy targets as appropriate. Teaching is individual and in small groups, and sometimes whole class and the children are encouraged to learn to work independently where possible.
The SRP lead is the SENCo, Amanda Blunden. The SRP has a teacher who teaches in both classrooms (4 days a week, (with the SENCo teaching 1 day a week). Each classroom has a teaching assistant based there full-time. We also have access to a speech and language therapist and occupational therapist provided by the health authority or local authority, who work with the SRP staff on provision, strategies, and interventions which are tailored to the needs of individual children. The staff also liaise with other support services such as the Educational Psychology Service. The school nurse also visits the SRP and liaises closely with staff as required.
The children follow a broad and balanced curriculum which meets the requirements of the Foundation Stage and National Curriculum at an appropriate level and from children's starting points. We work intensively to develop basic skills in reading, writing and mathematics and we use a balance of group and individual work designed to encourage language development and social skills. We enrich the curriculum with a wide range of trips, visits and regular shared experiences to base our learning on.
The children are very much a part of the Darell School Community. They register every day with a mainstream class, join the mainstream children for playtimes and lunch times, assemblies, performances and other school events as appropriate. In addition, each child has a level of integration that is appropriate to their needs. . Groups of mainstream children may also join the children in Walker class and Newton class for some sessions as part of our integration program.
Involving parents
Here at Darell, we are committed to working in partnership with parents. Members of staff are available to talk to parents at any reasonable time before or after the school day and appointments are always available during the week for longer meetings if required. Where appropriate and necessary, children have a home/school diary so that information can be passed daily between home and school. . As well as annual reviews, termly meetings are held to discuss the children's progress towards meeting their educational targets. Parents are welcome to visit the classroom and look at the children’s work at any time. We are always pleased to have parents helping out in the classroom and all parents are encouraged to become involved in social activities in school.
Richmond Education Authority provides transport for some children, depending on where they live, together with an escort to supervise the children between school and home. The escort brings the children directly to the classroom and collects them at the end of the day.
Each child's learning is closely monitored. Formal meetings with parents are held regularly so that all concerned can discuss progress and decisions can be taken on the appropriate next steps for the child. When a child is ready to move on to another educational setting his/her transfer is carefully planned. Some of the children transfer into mainstream education, some go on to other special settings. The transfer is managed according to each child's needs.
For visits or any enquiries, please contact Amanda Blunden (SENCO) on 020 8876 6721 or info@darell.richmond.sch.uk