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Health and Medical Information

Reporting Illness

All parents and carers must contact the school office on 0208 876 6721 or email to report the reason for your child's absence from school before 9:00am.

Healthcare and Medication Form

If your child has a medical need please complete the Google form by following the LINK

Short Term Medication Plan

If your child has had an illness and been prescribed medication by a medical professional, please complete the Google form so we can administer it throughout the day by following the LINK

Sickness and Diarrhoea

If your child has vomiting or diarrhoea, they are not allowed to attend school until 48hours after the last bout. 

For more information regarding other illness queries, please follow the link to the NHS website - Is my child to ill for school?


It is important to make sure your child’s immunisations are up to date. Find out more about these by following this link.


ERIC - is a useful resource for bedwetting and incontinence issues

Free vitamins, vegetables, fruit and milk

You may be eligible for vitamins, vegetables, fruit and milk formula. To find out more, follow this link.

For further information on administering medication and first aid procedures please follow the link to our policies: